angela full mage build rank mobile legends gameplay youtube


Hey readers,

Welcome to the ultimate guide for mastering Angela, the angelic support mage in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. With her magical abilities and unrivaled mobility, Angela has the potential to turn the tide of any battle. In this article, we will delve into the best full mage build, recommended gameplay, and effective strategies for using Angela to reach the highest ranks. Get ready to unleash your inner "Light of Dawn" and dominate the Mobile Legends battlefield!

Angela’s Abilities: A Symphony of Magical Might

Angela’s abilities are a harmonious blend of support and damage:

Energy Wave

Angela launches a wave of energy in a targeted direction, dealing magical damage to enemies it passes through. This ability can damage multiple foes and is great for clearing minion waves or harassing opponents.


Angela casts a shield on herself or an allied hero, absorbing incoming damage for a short duration. This ability provides vital protection in team fights or during ganks.

Puppet On A String

Angela’s signature ability, Puppet On A String, allows her to tether to an allied hero. While tethered, Angela’s ultimate ability, Holy Light, becomes available on the tethered hero. This ability not only grants mobility but also amplifies the damage potential of the tethered ally.

Holy Light

Angela’s ultimate ability, Holy Light, grants a burst of healing to the tethered ally while also dealing damage to nearby enemies. This ability is crucial for keeping allies alive and setting up clutch kills.

The Full Mage Angela Build: Maximizing Magical Prowess

To harness Angela’s full offensive potential, it is recommended to adopt a full mage build:

Arcane Boots

These boots boost Angela’s magical damage output and movement speed, making her a formidable burst mage.

Enchanted Talisman

This item grants Angela additional mana regeneration and CDR (Cooldown Reduction), ensuring she can spam her abilities without running out of mana.

Lightning Truncheon

The Lightning Truncheon enhances Angela’s damage potential by providing additional magical damage and a passive that reduces the magic defense of enemies hit by her abilities.

Divine Glaive

This item further amps up Angela’s magical damage, especially against heroes with high magic defense.

Holy Crystal

The Holy Crystal grants Angela a substantial boost to her magic power, maximizing her damage output.

Blood Wings

This item provides Angela with additional health and Lifesteal, making her more durable in team fights and allowing her to sustain her mana through Lifesteal effects.

Gameplay Strategies: Unleashing the Light of Dawn

Mastering Angela involves a strategic approach:

Roam and Assist

In the early game, Angela should focus on roaming around and assisting her teammates. Use Heartguard to protect allies, Energy Wave to clear waves, and Puppet On A String to quickly move to strategic positions.

Target Selection

Angela’s Puppet On A String ability allows her to empower an ally. Choose carefully who to tether to, prioritizing heroes with high burst damage or team fight potential.

Flanking and Surprise

Take advantage of Puppet On A String’s mobility to flank enemies or surprise them with Holy Light. Coordinate with your tethered ally to execute devastating burst combos.

Stay Protected

Angela is relatively fragile, so it is crucial to stay protected during fights. Utilize Heartguard to absorb damage, and position yourself behind your tank to avoid being targeted by enemies.

Item Optimization: Maximizing Effectiveness

The following items can further enhance Angela’s performance:

Item Effect
Glowing Wand Grants bonus damage over time after using an ability
Necklace of Durance Reduces enemy magic lifesteal and provides additional mana
Ice Queen Wand Slows enemies hit by abilities and provides additional CDR
Sky Guardian Helmet Grants additional health and bonus shield for nearby allies
Immortality Grants a second life after being killed


Readers, with the knowledge gained from this ultimate guide, you are now equipped to unleash Angela’s full potential in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. Embrace her magical prowess, master her gameplay strategies, and conquer the ranks with the "Light of Dawn." For further insights and mobile gaming tips, be sure to check out our other articles. Good luck, and may your Mobile Legends journey be filled with unforgettable victories!

FAQ about Angela Full Mage Build Rank Mobile Legends Gameplay YouTube

1. What is Angela’s best role?

Angela is a support hero, but she can also be played as a mage.

2. What is the best build for Angela as a mage?

For Angela’s mage build, you will want to focus on items that improve her magical power and cooldown reduction. The recommended items are:

  • Arcane Boots
  • Holy Crystal
  • Enchanted Talisman
  • Winter Truncheon
  • Divine Glaive
  • Immortality

3. What are Angela’s skills?

  • Spirit Blessing: Angela uses her energy to bless an ally, increasing their movement speed and attack speed.
  • Heartguard: Angela uses her energy to create a barrier around an ally, reducing all damage taken.
  • Swap: Angela swaps places with an ally or enemy, stunned for a short time after the swap.
  • Ultimate: Angela flies to a target ally, linking their Fate with her own. She takes 50% of the damage the ally takes.

4. What is Angela’s playstyle as a mage?

As a mage, Angela should focus on dealing damage to enemy heroes. She can use her Spirit Blessing to buff her allies, and her Heartguard to protect them from damage. Her Swap can be used to escape from dangerous situations or to set up kills for her allies.

5. What are Angela’s strengths?

  • Angela has a powerful damage output.
  • She has high mobility and a short cooldown on her skills.
  • She can protect her allies from damage and provide them with buffs.

6. What are Angela’s weaknesses?

  • Angela is very fragile and can be easily killed.
  • She is mana-dependent and can run out of mana quickly.
  • Her crowd control is limited.

7. How to play Angela effectively as a mage?

  • Focus on dealing damage to enemy heroes.
  • Use your Spirit Blessing to buff your allies and your Heartguard to protect them from damage.
  • Use your Swap to escape from dangerous situations or to set up kills for your allies.

8. What heroes does Angela pair well with?

Angela pairs well with heroes who have high damage output and who can benefits from her buffs and protection. Some good heroes to pair with Angela are:

  • Lesley
  • Granger
  • Hayabusa
  • Ling
  • Gusion

9. What heroes does Angela counter?

Angela counters heroes who rely on mobility to escape or deal damage. Some good heroes to counter with Angela are:

  • Fanny
  • Hayabusa
  • Gusion
  • Ling
  • Natalia

10. What are some tips for playing Angela as a mage?

  • Be careful not to overextend and get yourself killed.
  • Use your Swap wisely to avoid damage or to set up kills for your allies.
  • Don’t be afraid to use your Ultimate to protect your allies or to help them escape from dangerous situations.


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