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Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Panther Location: A Hunter’s Guide


Howdy, readers! Welcome to the definitive guide to tracking down the elusive Legendary Panther in Red Dead Redemption 2. Whether you’re a seasoned hunter or a curious newcomer, this comprehensive article will guide you through every step of this thrilling adventure.

Panther Country: Where to Begin

The Legendary Panther roams freely in the misty swamps of Bayou Nwa, southwest of Saint Denis. Once you reach the area, look for the distinctive panther icon on your mini-map. The Panther’s home is marked by dense vegetation and murky waters, creating a mysterious and dangerous hunting ground.

Tracking the Beast: Clues and Encounters

As you approach the Panther’s territory, keep your eyes peeled for clues. Search for footprints, scat, and even the panther’s distinctive growls to narrow down its location. Once you come face-to-face with the fearsome creature, be prepared for a challenging but rewarding experience.

Subduing the Panther: Weapons and Tactics

To successfully hunt the Legendary Panther, you’ll need the right tools. The Carbine Repeater with High Velocity Rounds is an excellent choice for long-range shots. For close-quarters encounters, the Pump-Action Shotgun or the Bow with Improved Arrows will suffice. Remember to use Dead Eye to slow down time and aim for vital organs.

Preparation is Key: Provisions and Supplies

Before embarking on this hunting expedition, ensure you’re well-prepared. Pack plenty of Repeater Ammo and Shotgun Shells to prevent running out in the heat of battle. Additionally, bring some Horse Reviver and Health Cures to keep yourself and your trusty steed in good condition.

Timing is Everything: When to Hunt

The Legendary Panther is most active during the night. Plan your hunt for the evening hours when the Panther is at its peak. However, be cautious as the Panther’s keen senses make it even more challenging to track during the night.

Legendary Panther: Rewards and Challenges

Successfully hunting the Legendary Panther will reward you handsomely. The Panther’s perfect pelt can be crafted into a unique garment, the Legendary Panther Cloak, which provides exceptional protection and style. Additionally, you’ll earn valuable XP and bragging rights among fellow hunters.

Detailed Panther Hunting Guide (Table)

Step Task Tips
1 Locate Bayou Nwa Check southwest of Saint Denis
2 Search for clues Look for footprints, scat, and growls
3 Equip proper weapons Carbine Repeater, Pump-Action Shotgun, or Bow
4 Prepare provisions Ammo, Horse Reviver, Health Cures
5 Hunt during the night Panther is most active at this time
6 Exercise caution Panther has keen senses in the dark
7 Aim for vital organs Use Dead Eye to slow down time
8 Claim your reward Perfect pelt for Legendary Panther Cloak


Hunting the Legendary Panther in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a thrilling and rewarding experience. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll increase your chances of successfully tracking down and subduing this magnificent beast. So, grab your weapons, prepare your provisions, and embark on this epic adventure! And don’t forget to check out our other articles on hunting legendary animals in Red Dead Redemption 2.

FAQ about Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Panther Location

1. Where can I find the Legendary Panther in Red Dead Redemption 2?

It can be found in the northern Roanoke Ridge area, west of Brandywine Drop and north of Cattail Pond.

2. How do I trigger the Legendary Panther mission?

You must first complete the "Exit, Pursued by a Bruised Ego" mission. Then, travel to the Legendary Panther’s location and look for a yellow paw print icon on your map.

3. What is the best time to hunt the Legendary Panther?

The panther is most active at night, so it’s best to hunt it then.

4. What weapons should I use to hunt the Legendary Panther?

Bolt-action rifles, such as the Springfield Rifle or Bolt Action Rifle, are effective for taking down the panther quickly.

5. How do I skin the Legendary Panther?

Once you have killed the panther, use your hunting knife to skin it and obtain its pelt.

6. What can I craft with the Legendary Panther pelt?

The panther pelt can be used to craft the Legendary Panther Garment Set, which provides increased stealth and hunting abilities.

7. What happens if I kill the Legendary Panther before triggering the mission?

If you kill the panther before starting the mission, it will not respawn and you will not be able to obtain its pelt.

8. Can I sell the Legendary Panther pelt?

Yes, you can sell the Legendary Panther pelt to Gus Macmillan at the Trapper’s Cabin for $75.

9. How many times can I hunt the Legendary Panther?

You can only hunt the Legendary Panther once in the game.

10. Is there a Legendary Panther bug?

There is a known bug where the Legendary Panther may not spawn in its designated location. If you encounter this bug, try reloading your game or traveling away from the area and returning later.


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