red dead redemption 2 legendary buck location

Greetings, Readers!

Howdy there, fellow digital adventurers! Welcome to your one-stop source for everything Red Dead Redemption 2 missions. Whether you’re a seasoned outlaw or a greenhorn just breaking into the wild west, this comprehensive guide will steer you through the vast and treacherous landscape of Red Dead Redemption 2’s epic storyline.

Saddle up your trusty steed, fill your pockets with ammo, and prepare for an extraordinary journey as we delve into the missions that have made Red Dead Redemption 2 an unforgettable masterpiece. This ultimate mission list will equip you with insider knowledge, hidden secrets, and strategies to conquer even the most challenging quests.

The Main Storyline

Chapter 1: Colter

  • "Old Friends, New Problems"
  • "The Sheep and the Goats"
  • "Polite Society, Valentine Style"

Chapter 2: Horseshoe Overlook

  • "The First Shall Be Last"
  • "Who the Hell is Leviticus Cornwall?"
  • "Blessed are the Meek…"

Chapter 3: Clemens Point

  • "An American Pastoral Scene"
  • "Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern"
  • "The Unwelcome Guest"

Side Quests and Challenges

Stranger Missions

  • "The Noblest of Men, and a Woman"
  • "The Veteran"
  • "A Test of Faith"

Treasure Hunts

  • "Jack Hall Gang Treasure Map"
  • "High Stakes Treasure Map"
  • "Poisonous Trail Treasure Map"


  • "Horseman Challenges"
  • "Bandit Challenges"
  • "Gambler Challenges"

Red Dead Redemption 2 Mission List Table

Chapter Mission Description
1 Old Friends, New Problems Meet the Van der Linde gang and escape Colter.
1 The Sheep and the Goats Rescue Sean from bounty hunters.
1 Polite Society, Valentine Style Confront Sheriff Malloy in Valentine.
2 The First Shall Be Last Train robbery in Valentine.
2 Who the Hell is Leviticus Cornwall? Infiltrate the Cornwall oil refinery.
2 Blessed are the Meek… Take revenge on Leviticus Cornwall.
3 An American Pastoral Scene Visit John Marston’s family in Beecher’s Hope.
3 Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern Participate in a shootout at Rhodes.
3 The Unwelcome Guest Defend Clemens Point from the Grays.


Fellow outlaws and gunslingers, we have now reached the end of our Red Dead Redemption 2 mission list. From the thrilling opening chapter to the epic conclusion, this journey has been an unforgettable adventure. Remember to check out our other articles for more in-depth guides, character profiles, and secrets of the wild west!

Keep riding, and may your aim remain steady!

FAQ about Red Dead Redemption 2 Mission List

Is there a complete list of missions in Red Dead Redemption 2?

There are 107 story missions and 15 stranger missions.

What is the first mission in Red Dead Redemption 2?

The first mission is called "The Old One-Two".

What is the last mission in Red Dead Redemption 2?

The last mission is called "American Venom".

Are there any missable missions in Red Dead Redemption 2?

Yes, there are a few missable missions, such as "The Sheep and the Goats" and "The Fine Joys of Tobacco".

Can I replay missions in Red Dead Redemption 2?

Yes, you can replay any mission after you have completed it.

How do I start a specific mission in Red Dead Redemption 2?

To start a specific mission, go to the pause menu and select "Progress". Then, select the mission you want to play.

How long does it take to complete all the missions in Red Dead Redemption 2?

It takes approximately 60 hours to complete all the story missions and stranger missions.

What are the rewards for completing missions in Red Dead Redemption 2?

The rewards for completing missions vary, but they can include money, experience points, and new weapons.

Are there any bonus missions in Red Dead Redemption 2?

Yes, there are a few bonus missions, such as "The Legendary Panther" and "The Duel".

How do I unlock the bonus missions in Red Dead Redemption 2?

To unlock the bonus missions, you need to find and read the corresponding newspapers.


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